OT-ES-E 341
The Language of Law: A legal grammar lesson


People with a working knowledge of English (CEFR levels B1/B2 and higher) who want to express themselves accurately and appropriately when speaking or writing about law.
NB: This new seminar deals in more detail with some of the contents of “The Grammar of Law“ (autumn 2023).

Inhalt und Ziele

Legal English has its own terminology and often, a special style. For the most part, however, it relies on perfectly ordinary English structures. In this session at the crossroads of grammar and vocabulary, we will focus on areas of general English that are particularly important in legal contexts, putting a spotlight on small details that can make a big difference.

You want to get it right in language and law? Come and explore …

  • Legal prepositions and related phrases:
    • How does “gemäß” work in English? We can say “under” or “in accordance with” – but what about “according to”?
    • “EU-rechtskonform”: We can say Austrian law is consistent with EU law, but can we also use “conform”? If so, how?
  • Surprising, grammar-based differences in meaning:
    • “Property” can refer to the things you own and the right of ownership. But did you know that it can also translate …
      • “Sache(n)”, e.g.: “damage to property“? When used like this, “property” has no article and no plural.
      • “Liegenschaft”, e.g.: “to buy A property“? When used like this, “property” can have an article and a plural, e.g.: “two properties“.
    • Is “damages” the plural of “damage”?

… and observe these structures at work in legal contexts. Rest assured: this grammar lesson is different!


  • Interactive webinar with group work and lots of speaking practice
  • Working with legal texts

Technical requirements:

  • PC / laptop / tablet / smartphone (possibly private) with camera and microphone (or headphones), as well as stable internet access
  • Webinar software platform Zoom


Steiner Andrea, Mag.

Zeit und Ort

OT-ES-E 341
Online-Tr. / Webinar
1 Tag(e) (3 Stunden)
09:00 - 12:00


You may also be interested in the other parts of “The Language of Law” series (OT-ES-E 340 and OT-ES-E 342).


In Verantwortung von:
Eder Ursula, Dr.
Ranzenbacher Petra

Über den/die Trainer/in

Steiner Andrea, Mag.

Trainerin für englische Rechtssprache und Kommunikation mit langjähriger Erfahrung in Justiz, Gesetzgebung und Verwaltung. Studium der Anglistik/Amerikanistik, Germanistik und Linguistik; derzeit Studium der Rechtswissenschaften